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Mindfulness and Meditation

Overview of Mindfulness and Meditation

A regular meditation and/or mindfulness practice provides a better perspective on all things, seeing things with greater clarity, thereby assisting in the management of stress, anxiety, depression and addictions.

There are physiological, psychological and physical benefits that come from a regular practice of mindfulness and/or meditation: 


  • Physiologically, mindfulness and meditation can lower blood pressure, slows down the cardio vascular system, relaxes the nervous system,

  • Psychologically, mindfulness and meditation can free the mind from self doubt, internal chatter, reduces anxiety and can generate optimism, self-esteem and confidence.  It also leaves a calming and peaceful influence on the mind.

  •  Physically, mindfulness and meditation can relieve muscle tension, head aches, chronic pain and illness.

Apart from the physiological and psychological benefits that come from a regular practice, medical science now shows mindfulness and meditation practices change the brain structure that regulates and reduces our fear based reactions to perceived threats.  Among other things, this means the response we give to any situation is more likely to come from a position of calmness, kindness and compassion, rather than fight or flight, as when our mind operates in the red zone.

Separate courses on Mindfulness and Meditation will be scheduled in 2018 providing you with the tools and techniques to adopt your own discipline and practice.  These courses will run for 4 weeks, on one evening each week and the duration of the session will be 1.5 hours.  Classes will be of a workshop format, with both a theoretical and practical component.  An overview of each course is outlined below.

Lou Nulley Nepal

Mindfulness Courses

Mindfulness is being aware of or bringing attention to this moment in time, deliberately and without judging the experience.  It is both a technique and a way of life.  Mindfulness helps us to be okay with life - being with the pleasant without holding onto it, and being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way. 

The challenge of mindfulness is to be present for your experience as it is, rather than immediately  jumping in to change it or try to force it to be different.

It will result in ease of life rather than disease.  It is a way of being.

The tools of mindfulness are practical and easy to learn and are of benefit to everyone.

The four week course incorporates elements of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program developed by Jon Kabot-Zinn and covers topics including:

  • What is Mindfulness and the history of Mindfulness

  • Associated Benefits

  • The Power of Now

  • What Mindfulness is not

  • Concepts of Mindulness

  • Stages of Mindfulness

  • Relaxation Exercises

  • Pillars of Mindfulness

  • Importance of Intention

  • Mindfulness based Meditation

The workshop will include a mindfulness based meditation session allowing you to experience the benefits in applying some elements of the theory.

Course Date: To be advised. 


Course Cost: $150

Meditation and Stress Management

The meditation course will not only expose you to a range of mediation techniques for you to determine the most effective meditation method that works for you, but also, it will provide you with a range of tools and techniques to identify stress triggers in your life and ways in which you can manage stress. 


The four week course will include:


  • History and Benefits of Meditation

  • Meditation Styles and Techniques

  • Relaxation Techniques

  • Cause and Effect of Stress

  • Stress Management Techniques

  • Affirmations

  • Journaling


Each workshop will include a formal meditation session and handout material.

Course Date:  To be advised.

Course Cost:  $150

© 2018 Yoga Pathways                Contact Lou Nulley 0412 271 497 (m) (email)  or click here

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